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Choosing the perfect prenatal supplement is crucial when preparing for pregnancy. However, with the abundance of options and the lack of regulation in the supplement industry, it can be overwhelming and confusing to make the right choice. Not all prenatal supplements are created equal, and selecting the wrong one can be both ineffective and a waste of money. 

Today, we’ll break down the essential components of the best prenatal supplement and provide a top recommendation to support your journey to pregnancy and optimal health for you and your future family.

“I eat healthy – do I need a prenatal?”

We hear this a lot and the quick answer is even if you ate a 100% perfect diet, you still can’t get all the nutrients from food. This is partly due to the reduced nutrient content in our food compared to previous generations, caused by changes in soil quality. Additionally, many Americans have chronic illnesses and take medications that interfere with nutrient absorption. While diet significantly impacts fertility and pregnancy, supplements can fill the gaps in nutrient intake, especially in the months leading up to conception.

What Are Prenatals and Why Are They Important?

Prenatal supplements are specially formulated to optimize fertility and support a healthy pregnancy. They enhance egg and sperm quality, balance hormones, and build nutrient reserves, increasing the chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby. Proper nutrition before and during pregnancy is linked to improved brain development, healthy birth weight, and reduced risk of pregnancy complications. Unfortunately, recent research has shown that most (90%) of pregnant women do not meet the required nutrient levels, putting their health and their baby’s health at risk.

When Should You Start Taking a Prenatal?

It’s never too early to start taking a prenatal supplement. Research suggests beginning at least 3-6 months before conceiving. This preconception period is crucial as it helps set up your child’s DNA for success and can prevent future health issues. Prenatal supplements support reproductive health, pregnancy outcomes, and nutrient stores. Continuing to take them during lactation is also vital for both the mother’s and baby’s health, aiding brain and immune system development and preventing nutrient deficiencies.

Should Men Take Prenatal Supplements Too?

Absolutely! Men’s health plays a significant role in fertility, accounting for 50% of infertility cases. A man’s lifestyle impacts sperm health, which in turn affects pregnancy outcomes and the health of future children. Antioxidants such as selenium, vitamins A, C, E, CoQ10, and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) protect against sperm damage and improve fertility. Studies show that antioxidants can increase male fertility four-fold and enhance the chances of a successful pregnancy by up to five times.

What to Look for in a Prenatal Supplement

When selecting a prenatal, consider the following key factors:

    • Contains Iron: Many prenatal supplements lack adequate iron. Look for Ferrochel Iron, a chelated form that is better absorbed and doesn’t interfere with the absorption of other nutrients.
    • Folate vs. Folic Acid: Opt for folate instead of folic acid, as up to 60% of the population has difficulty processing synthetic folic acid. Folate is essential for healthy ovulation, egg development and preventing neural tube defects. 
  • Contains Enough Choline: Choline is one of the most important vitamins for a baby’s brain but unfortunately not all prenatals contain choline at all or fall short with only 50-100mg. Look for 400mg of choline.
  • Contains Enough Vitamin D: Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption for both mom and baby and helps improve sperm motility, helps reduce the risk of miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, low birth weight, preterm birth, and more. The average prenatal contains only 800-2,000IU. Look for 4,000IU for women and 2,000IU for men.
  • Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C, E, selenium, manganese, and acetyl L-carnitine help protect against oxidative stress and support fetal development.
  • Third Party Testing: Supplements in the US are not regulated, so it’s crucial to choose those that are third-party tested to verify their contents and nutritional values, ensure they are heavy metal free and don’t have any contaminants in them. 

What to Avoid in a Prenatal Supplement

 Just as important as what is in  your prenatal it’s crucial to ensure that a laundry list of colors, fillers and binders are not in your prenatals. A lot of brands add those for ease of manufacturing and to increase shelf life.  Also, look for prenatals that are non-GMO and free  of common allergens like gluten, dairy, soy, and nuts.

Our Top Prenatal Recommendation: WeNatal


WeNatal makes it easy to recommend their prenatals. In addition to having an all-star lineup of bioavailable ingredients at research backed amounts, they understand the importance of  including men in the fertility equation and the mind and body connection. Here’s what makes WeNatal unique:


  • 100% Clean Formula: no synthetic dyes, fillers, preservatives, or artificial ingredients.
  • Right Nutrients, Right Dose. Research Backed, Clinically Tested: formulated with key, hard to find nutrients, including folate and choline, in the most bioavailable form.
  • Just Three Pills Daily: nutrient density of 6 to 8 pills packed into just 3 a day.
  • Attention to Men’s Health: unique formula to promote fertility for the other half of the equation.
  • The only Supplement with a Holistic Approach: supporting mind and body with effective tools like the WeNatal Journal.

Get WeNatal for Him and Her here! 

they asked me to “write a bio” but who still has a bio? I’m Gio, follow me on insta @giogreco for the real deal.

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