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My #1 Morning Ritual:
Lemon Water…It’s a Thing.

Before I bring in some of my creative counterparts, I thought it would be a good time for me to introduce myself (or re-introduce myself) to you. I’m Katherine, known as KGMTL and this is officially my new home. Merging my #InstaFam and Youtube followers took me a few months, ok, maybe closer to a year, but here we are. How could I launch this website without kicking it off with my fave morning ritual, what you guys know me for, my infamous lemon water (time stamp or it didn’t happen). Who would have ever thought that a glass of lukewarm water, sea salt and some lemon squeezes would become such a thing but it is pretty crazy the amount of body benefits you get from starting your day with this beverage.

To break it down, lemons protect the body and strengthen the immune system. They are a rich source of vitamin C and important minerals like calcium and magnesium. Lemon water in the morning helps balance the body’s PH levels and keeps us hydrated throughout the day. This homemade juice helps the body fight infections like colds or the flu and is a popular remedy for many types of skin irritations, like acne, rashes, wrinkles and dark spots. By acting like a detoxing agent for the body, drinking lemon water daily helps ramp up one’s metabolic rate (great for weight loss, it also helps regulate natural bowel movement) and aids the liver to help flush out toxins, all while keeping you hydrated and providing extra electrolytes to the body.

…but why add sea salt? Sea salt in your lemon water helps to control fluid balance, ensuring that the fluid does not just pass through the body, but actually hydrates the body. It too is filled with potassium and magnesium and fun fact: without enough sea salt throughout the day, no matter how much water you consume, your body will still stay dehydrated. We actually NEED sea salt for our bodies to properly function, it serves as a great detoxifier for the body and balances all of our levels. By drinking 1.5 – 3.5 tsp / day of sea salt, you are actually HELPING YOUR BODY avoid water retention, speed up your digestion and regulate a sleep schedule. Most drink lemon water (without the sea salt) but anyone who knows me knows that I rarely follow the norm. I started adding sea salt to my water to prevent dizziness and anxiety…I’ll save that story for another time.

Water temperature is important here. You don’t want your water to be hot OR cold. You want it lukewarm or room temperature. BUT WHY? Imagine if someone woke you up with a glass of boiling hot water or freezing cold water? Not ideal right? Same goes for your insides, always wake your body and digestive system up gently.

I often get asked, “Where do I begin?!” Getting healthier can seem super overwhelming but lemon water in the morning is a great way to start. It’s not difficult to do and you will instantly feel a difference and burst of energy. I also strongly believe that when you start your day off with a healthy habit it sets the intention for the rest of the day. As you already know this routine turned ritual isn’t going anywhere – if you aren’t already a lemon water drinker it’s time to start! Try it for 2 weeks, I promise it will change your life.



Original Quinton Isotonic®
Original Quinton Isotonic®
Celtic Salt
Celtic Salt
GLW Lemon Squeezer
GLW Lemon Squeezer
Electric Temperature Kettle
Electric Temperature Kettle
Sea Salt
Sea Salt
Silicone Straws
Silicone Straws
Glass Wear
Glass Wear
Original Quinton Isotonic®
Original Quinton Isotonic®
Celtic Salt
Celtic Salt
GLW Lemon Squeezer
GLW Lemon Squeezer
Electric Temperature Kettle
Electric Temperature Kettle
Sea Salt
Sea Salt
Silicone Straws
Silicone Straws
Glass Wear
Glass Wear
Katherine Garbarino, AKA KGMTL, has been building her online presence for the past 3 years. An open book about almost everything, KG’s voice has become a household sound, with an incredible and dedicated fanbase; obsessed with her knowledge of health, wellness, fashion and fitness.

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