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It’s no secret that blueberries are one of the healthiest foods around. Not only are they extremely nutritious, high in fiber and loaded with antioxidants, they’re also delicious and low in calories. This superfood positively affects heart disease, digestion, brain health and inflammation and is packed with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds.  

Unlike the plump, cultivated blueberries that are regularly found in the produce aisle, wild blueberries are much smaller, sweeter and tangier than their counterparts. Wild lowbush blueberries have been growing naturally for thousands of years in places like Maine, Atlantic Canada and Quebec, the province where Katherine is from. 

Besides the differences in their look, taste and growth, wild blueberries are also better for you too. They’re small and nutrient dense meaning you get more fruit per serving and need even less wild blueberries than the average fruit to reach the daily recommended amount.  

Wild blueberries are also known to have double the amount of antioxidants, which is crucial for fighting free radicals and cancer prevention. They also contain more anthocyanin, a very powerful antioxidant that’s responsible for the berry’s dark blue/red hue. The intensified level of anthocyanin is what gives wild blueberries that extra boost of brain fuel and helps protect the brain from the aging process, improves memory and stimulates healthy vision in adults.  

Like cranberries, wild blueberries are also know for naturally treating urinary tract infections due to the bacteria fighting compounds that help prevent and treat the infection from attaching to the bladder wall. The high level of antioxidants present can also aid in reducing UTI symptoms.   

Overall, wild blueberries are always a great choice and an amazing addition to any diet. Katherine has grown up eating wild blueberries and loves going to the market at the end of every summer so she can stock up and freeze them for future smoothies. Unfortunately, fresh wild blueberries are not easily available for purchase all over the world but you can often find them frozen instead as well as in canned, jarred, powder or capsule form too. 


Feature image via Perennia

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