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Although Fall doesn’t officially begin until September 22nd, Summer is basically over. Which means it’s time to get back to “real life” and get out of that summer mentality. In the summer months we tend to let go of certain responsibilities, we go out more, drink more, sleep later and all of that adds up. Getting back into your regular work and health routines can seem daunting so we have compiled what we are doing to get back into things after the summer.


I am a pretty disciplined person and stick to my day to day for the most part but I definitely am more lenient with routines, habits and my work schedule is more lax during the summer months. Here are 2 things I live by to get me back into it and on track. 

Section your tasks by day: 

Most of us are multitaskers or have more than one thing going on. I have been setting aside full days for each task or project. For example, Monday is set aside to work on my businesses. Tuesday is set aside for personal errands and appointments etc… By separating the things I need to do it keeps me focused and less likely to get demotivated and push aside what needs to be done. This is something I am still working on and scheduling but will be making a priority in the way I section off my time. 

Routine, Routine, Routine: 

I am BIG on routines. Without one my whole day feels off. In the summer months I tend to fall off some of my regular routines. Things as simple as when I answer emails or eat lunch can throw me off. Getting back into all my routines for 3-4 weeks instantly gives me that motivation and discipline I need. I believe everyone functions better with a proper routine. It doesn’t need to be over the top either but find a few things you know keep you accountable and are good for you and stick to them for a few weeks. This consistency and commitment to yourself will propel you into better habits overall. 


Declutter / Re-Organize my closet

I try to purge my closet and the beginning of every new season to throw away (donate) things I know I won’t wear again. I find it’s a refreshing and good way to start fresh, get rid of unnecessary things and shop for new pieces (oops). I also make room for my layering pieces and make sure I have all the staple pieces I want / need for my fall wardrobe. 

Setting myself short and long term goals

As someone suffers from seasonal depression, gearing up for Fall can take a toll and make you just feel stuck. So, what I tend to do is set myself short term goals that will motivate me in the moment. These allow me to be working towards something that will have positive effects sooner than later. I also set long-term goals which keep me looking forward to what’s to come. These long term goals are usually a little harder to attain, but I am always up for a good challenge!  I’ve been doing this for years and I highly recommend it. 


I don’t really change much from season to season. The main thing is a clean up of all my stuff. This is very important. I keep a box in my bedroom for donation. As I’m getting ready and trying things on, if something doesn’t fit anymore into the box it goes. 

Home Turnover:

I take this time in between seasons to go through all my stuff. All clothes, shoes, bags, jackets. I try on everything and donate what doesn’t serve me anymore (my close friends love this as they always get first pick before I bring the bags to the donation bins). Put away all my Summer shoes and clothes (love Rubbermaid bins) and get out all my boots and knits. 

Seasonal Budget:

Fall is definitely the most expensive season for me. With birthdays and holidays, I like to lay everything out so I know what to expect. It makes the holiday season more enjoyable and less stressful. Setting myself up well in Fall will then have a good flow throughout the holidays and start off the new year in the red. 

Feature image via Pinterest

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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