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What’s In My Bag!

What type of vlogger would I be if I didn’t do the standard, what’s in my bag video? This is my first time attempting something like this and it was actually so fun! Check out my video/s below, don’t skip over the bloopers, they are worth the watch! Below is a list of items you may have spotted in my bag, feel free to shop these too.

KG’s Amber Oil Scent

I smell really good… Seriously! I’m not trying to be narsistic, but it’s just a FACT! I have been wearing the same scent for over ten years and I truly believe it will never change. If I have been somewhere, you can tell, this scent, for those who know me, is synonymous to me. People will call me hours after I have left somewhere telling me they knew I was there because they smelt me… Sounds creepy, but it is just the truth.

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Girls Living Well
