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I think we all can agree on one thing: pimples are not fun BUT they are a part of life. Even worse, cystic pimples. The ones that live deep deep down in the hair follicle that create these red, painful mountains on the surface of the skin.

Cystic pimples are not “pop-able” and if you try you will likely spread the sebum causing that pimple under the skin and wake up with some new friends. DO NOT try and pop red, inflamed pimples… please!

When it comes to cystic breakouts there isn’t much you can do but wait for it make it’s way up to surface and move on but there is something you can do that will help! Get yourself a High Frequency Machine.  No longer just for esthetians, these are easily available on amazon and many other places.

This machine pretty much does it all when it comes to skincare. High-frequency treatments kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. These treatments have acne-fighting benefits and also increases circulation to stimulate collagen, making the treatment an effective anti-aging and glow boosting tool. Not only does this machine come with a general wand, which works for the whole face, but it also comes with another wand that stimulates collagen and helps with dark circles under the eyes. There is even a comb wand to stimulate hair growth. Depending on what your skin concerns are, there are different lights to use. The blue light which kills bacteria and a red light which helps with collagen production.

How To Use: 

Simply plug in, pop on the wand you want to use and then turn it on to the level you’d like. Tap the wand on your arm to activate it and then zap away the spots that need some help. By the way, you don’t need to physically touch the wand to the skin, just keep it close and it will get the job done.

We suggest doing this on clean, dry skin but you can give your pimples a little zap anytime really just be sure to disinfect the glass wand after each use.

Katherine will usually add some tea tree oil and ZO Skin Health Complexion Clearing Mask as a spot treatment before bed. This process will help kill inflammation, pull out some of the sebum and calm the mountain on your face. Just remember no one cares about your pimples they care about their own and it’s never as bad as you think it is!


Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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