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We asked the #GLWgang who wanted to be part of a product testing group. We got back lots of interest and made our selection. Next up; haircare. 6 women with different hair types and concerns were selected to test out the Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse that everyone was raving about!

Check out each of their videos to see what they thought of the hair rinse!

Christina @cjxo_

Daniella @daniellasabnani

Deidre @deicools

Stephanie @stephmontufar

Gabrielle @gab_mayrand

Charlie @charlie_landreville


Will you try out the Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse?

Let us know what you think of it!

GLW Insiders is a collective of subscribers who test out products and provide their honest review for the #GLWgang

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Girls Living Well
