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We’ve all been there: one kid catches a cold, and suddenly, it’s a viral relay race, infecting everyone in the house. Keeping your family healthy can feel like a game of whack-a-mole, but with some simple, fun strategies, you can build up your family’s immune defences and – dare I say it – make it enjoyable!

Here are some tried-and-true ways to protect your family from those pesky bugs, with a few personal stories sprinkled in to keep it real.

Sneak in the Immune-Boosting Foods Without the Drama

We all know feeding our family is easier said than done. The moment you suggest “healthy veggies,” your kids suddenly remember their “full tummy.” But what if you can make it a fun challenge?

Try this: we turned dinner into a “Rainbow Food Challenge.” Every meal, we aim to get as many colours on the plate as possible. Red bell peppers, green spinach, orange sweet potatoes—you get the idea. Not only does it boost immune health with vitamins A and C, but it also gets the kids excited about trying something new (and hey, a little sibling competition doesn’t hurt either).

Pro tip: Smoothies are a lifesaver! Toss in spinach, berries, and a little yogurt, and you’ve got a snack that’s secretly packed with immune-boosting goodness.

The Magic of Sleep (A Dream Come True for Parents)

 There’s nothing worse than trying to reason with a cranky, sleep-deprived child. But beyond the meltdown potential, lack of sleep makes us all more susceptible to getting sick. Trust me, I’ve been there, staying up late for one more episode only to regret it when my immune system decides to take a vacation.

To get your family’s sleep routine in check, try creating a calming bedtime ritual. Maybe it’s a warm bath, storytime, or practicing “belly breaths” to help everyone wind down. I’ve found that dimming the lights and putting on some relaxing music has worked wonders for the little ones in my life.

If your child (or you!) has a hard time winding down, Passion Flower is a great plant to calm racing, overactive minds to help get those much-needed immune-boosting zzzs. For the parents running the show, Goodnight sleep sticks help to support the full sleep cycle

Turn Outdoor Time into an Adventure

Let’s be real—getting kids outside isn’t always as easy as it sounds. But fresh air is a secret weapon when it comes to keeping your immune system in tip-top shape. It’s not just about vitamin D (though that’s super important); it’s about giving everyone a mental reset.

I often recommend to my patients that they consider a “Nature Scavenger Hunt.” You make a list of things to find (a red leaf, a butterfly, a funny-shaped rock), and suddenly, getting outside becomes the highlight of the day.

Immune-Boosting Products That Aren’t Snake Oil

I get it—there are a million products out there that promise to boost your immunity. And let’s be honest, half of them seem too good to be true. But some are genuinely backed by research. For example, A.Vogel’s Echinaforce is one of those that we swear by in my household. It’s been clinically shown to significantly reduce the risk of getting sick and can cut down on the duration if you do catch something to help you feel better faster. There are a few different formats available to satisfy the whole family and most are safe for pregnant and nursing women.

We’ve even made it part of our “Cold & Flu Kit” in the kitchen, next to the honey and ginger tea. It’s like a family ritual: the moment someone sniffles, they know what’s coming!

Make Hygiene Fun (Yes, It’s Possible!)

Remember when handwashing felt like a chore? (Okay, it still does sometimes.) But during cold and flu season, it’s essential. Here’s the trick: make it a game! Set a timer for 20 seconds and challenge the kids to sing their favourite song while scrubbing away.

And don’t forget the adults—we’re just as guilty of rushing through it. A little mindfulness while washing hands can make a big difference in staying healthy.

The Family That Laughs Together, Stays Healthy Together

I’ve noticed that our best immune-boosting strategy is simply having fun together. Whether it’s a spontaneous kitchen dance party or family movie night with way too much popcorn, laughter lowers stress levels, and less stress means a stronger immune system​. Science!

Keeping your family healthy doesn’t have to be a chore (or boring). From sneaky nutrition hacks to making handwashing fun, these small changes can make a big difference in your family’s immune strength. And if nothing else, at least you’ll have a few good stories along the way.

For more immune-boosting tips and family health hacks, check out A.Vogel’s Immune Health Page and remember to use KGMTL’s exclusive code KGMTL20 to get 20% off on all your purchases.

they asked me to “write a bio” but who still has a bio? I’m Gio, follow me on insta @giogreco for the real deal.

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