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Milk thistle is a plant that’s native to the Mediterranean and one which has been used medicinally for centuries. Named after the white pattern that covers its leaves and the milky liquid that’s produced when the leaves are crushed, this herb can help with a range of different health issues. 

Primarily known for supporting the endocrine and gastrointestinal systems, milk thistle supports the production of bile and enzymes which are crucial in regulating and naturally detoxifying the liver, gallbladder, kidney and spleen.

Silymarin is an antioxidant and one of the main components of found in milk thistle. This important antioxidant is responsible for reducing oxidative, slowing down the aging process, preventing many diseases including various types of cancers, balancing blood sugar levels thereby inhibiting type 2 diabetes and lowering cholesterol which prevents cardiovascular disease. Milk thistle is also commonly taken by women who are breastfeeding since it’s known to significantly help with lactation by increasing breast milk production. 

Common forms of milk thistle include capsules, teas and tinctures but regardless what style you choose, always choose one that’s pure, high quality and from a reputable source.

Although this supplement is pretty safe with very few side effects, there are certain risks, especially if you are taking certain medications or if you experience any hormone-sensitive conditions. As such, like with any supplement it’s always important to speak to a health care practitioner beforehand to find out if this is the right fit for you and the proper dosage that you should take. 


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