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“Confidence isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being authentically you.”

Hi, I’m Sofia da Silva—an entrepreneur, CPG sales consultant, and the voice behind the self-growth podcast I’m Still Loading. My podcast is all about embracing a growth mindset and providing you with practical tools to help shift your perspective in a big-sister kind of way. This idea was born from some of the toughest years of my life, where I faced enormous loss, challenges, heartbreak, closing a business, moving cities, and so much more. But through it all, I realized that life constantly offers opportunities to grow. The key is focusing on becoming your best self every day, even if that looks different for everyone.

That said, launching something new and putting myself out there in a vulnerable way wasn’t easy. It took time and a lot of work on my self-confidence and self-worth. So today, I want to share some of the ways I built my confidence to launch my podcast and keep showing up authentically.

1. Do something hard every day

This could be something big or small, but doing something that challenges you every day gradually helps you build more confidence. It could be running an extra 5 minutes or reading 10 pages of a book every day. You can define your “hard” and what you see as a challenge to yourself. Each time you complete one of these actions, you gain more confidence because you achieved something you told yourself you would do. The best part? You’ll keep achieving your goals and reaching new milestones regularly.

2. Have a mentor or someone you can look up to

Whether it’s someone you know personally or a figure you admire from afar, having a mentor can be life-changing. It truly was for me. Study their habits and let their journey inspire yours. I’ve shared this on my podcast I’m Still Loading, but Bethenny Frankel was on my vision board back in 2012. Her authenticity (even when it was a bit wacky) and success in the business world really spoke to me. A few years later, it was me launching my own beverage business, inspired by her journey as a solo female entrepreneur launching a better-for-you product.

If you have people in your life that you can actually connect with and talk to, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for mentorship. People are usually very willing to help you out, as it also makes them feel good!

3. Visualize your higher self

I absolutely love visualization and higher self meditations because they allow you to see yourself as your future self—the person you want to become. Your higher self isn’t afraid of doing the things you are currently dreaming of, so picturing yourself as that person is incredibly powerful. When the idea of my podcast came to mind, I often pictured myself speaking into a mic and recording my first episode. I kept visualizing it until I saw it so clearly that it became more achievable and believable to me. The vision became so clear that it felt inevitable. Here is my favorite guided meditation on YouTube.

4. Make time to do things you love and that you’re naturally good at

The things you love often align with what you’re naturally great at. This is a great starting point for building your skills and confidence because you can sharpen your skills and aptitude quite successfully. For me, I’ve always been passionate about holistic health, so I pursued a course in holistic nutrition and graduated with an amazing GPA. It deepened my knowledge and boosted my confidence in something that truly lights me up.

5. Surround yourself with people who inspire you

Your environment often dictates your life in many ways. If you’re aiming to grow and chase your dreams, it’s really important to surround yourself with the types of people who are doing the same and more. Start building this network by participating in events, reaching out on LinkedIn, attending dinners, or going to conferences in the field you want to excel in. You never know who you might meet and who will become a consistent part of your life, making you feel limitless! Being around that energy will help you shift yours upwards.

6. Develop a growth mindset

Developing a growth mindset can take time, but it’s worth it. The way it can shift your perspective on life is essential in becoming more confident in taking risks. When I was launching my first business, I listened to a lot of podcasts and read a lot of books about mindset, founders building businesses, and people doing great things. Immerse yourself in books, podcasts, and people that talk about how to expand your mind, be positive about life, and become more magnetic.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • The Expanded Podcast by Lacy Phillips

  • How I Built This with Guy Raz

  • The Ed Mylett Show

  • The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

  • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

7. Scripting

Scripting is my favorite form of journaling. Write affirmations in the present tense, as if you’ve already achieved your goals. For example, currently I script things like “I am a successful podcaster,” or “my podcast is thriving.” This practice is a beautiful way to manifest your dreams if you do it consistently.

8. Implement strong boundaries in your life

Boundaries are so important when it comes to creating the life that you want. Without strong boundaries, you’ll end up with people in your life who don’t want the best for you and have a tendency to bring you down. Having positive people around you who uplift you, want the best for you, and are there for you will make a huge difference in your success.

9. Remember that no one cares as much as you think

This has been a comforting reminder to me when I put myself out there in a vulnerable way. As a long-time people pleaser, I always cared about what people thought of me. Of course, on some level, I still do, but ultimately, people are focused on their own lives. So take the leap, try something new—no one is judging you nearly as much as you think. You got this!

10. Don’t compare your journey to others

I believe we all have gifts to share with the world in the limited time we have on this planet. Don’t compare yourself to others or to other people’s journeys—a lot of what we see on social media isn’t even real. Your journey is unique to you, so remember that life is short, and it’s worth trying the things you want or pursuing the dreams in your heart.

If these tips resonated with you, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to connect with me on Instagram @sofia.dasilva or tune in to my podcast I’m Still Loading for more growth mindset inspiration.

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