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True to Scorpio energy, it’s the season to investigate what has been lurking in the shadows. Don’t be afraid of the dark.
This month, protect your psyche with the gemstone crystals for your zodiac sign.
Scorpio ♏️  Oct 23 – Nov 22

Deep dive into the mysteries of love, sex and transformation. Whether it’s family or romance, the desire for true intimacy burns strong. Expose your true nature, but only with those you can trust with your life. A passion project takes you in a new direction. You got this.

Crystal: morganite


Sagittarius ♐️ Nov 23 – Dec 21

They say you shouldn’t tell anyone your birthday wish or it won’t come true. Guard your secrets and protect your privacy. Not everyone wants to see you succeed, but no one can stop you from fulfilling your dreams. Believe in miracles.

Crystal: topaz


Capricorn ♑️ Dec 22 – Jan 21

Mind over matter. Build the life you want and bliss shall be yours. If there was ever a time to be stubborn it’s now; settling is not an option. It’s time to go all the way full throttle. Winners keepers.

Crystal: garnet


Aquarius ♒️ Jan 22 – Feb 21

Do you believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining ? The universe will bless you with wonderful gifts of love, money and opportunity. But first, your patience will be tested. Keep the faith !

Crystal: ruby


Pisces ♓️  Feb 22 – March 21

It would be wonderful to escape it all and live in a world of fantasy forever. Try as you might, reality keeps coming back into play. Before slipping into the pitfalls of self destruction, develop new coping skills. Look to earth sign allies for help when you need it. Swim with the tides.

Crystal: amethyst


Aries ♈️ March 22 – April 21

Welcome home boss. All that you have built over the years has an imprint of your heart and soul. Enjoy it. Indulge in your success. Share what you have with others and watch your blessing multiply. Give love. Get love

Crystal: jasper


Taurus ♉️ April 22 – May 21

If you ruled the world, what would you do? All the money, power and influence can be intoxicating. Take 10 deep breathes before you make a life changing decision. Time really is on your side. The good ones never rush.

Crystal: diamond


Gemini ♊️ May 22 – June 21

Fairytales do come true. If you can picture it in your mind, it’s already yours. Make room for some magic in your life. Start with the clutter and the path shall become more clear. Invest in yourself.

Crystal: emerald


Cancer ♋️ June 22 – July 22

All work and no play ? It’s time for a quick getaway. A change in atmosphere will help reset your mind and replenish your energy. If you can’t travel, make a private sanctuary in your home. Family matters come to the fore. Take care of yourself first.

Crystal: carnelian


Leo ♌️ July 23 – Aug 22

You got the biggest heart Leo ! You attract love and loyalty like no other. The sun god smiles upon you. Keep being generous and you will be counting coins till the cows come home. The future is bright. Claim it

Crystal: pyrite


Virgo ♍️ Aug 23 – Sept 21

Swipe right ! Do it do it do it ! Go after what you want, be ready to break your own rules and ditch the notion of conventional. That’s how you can navigate through this busy and popular time. Say yes to new love, new job or new home. You can have it all this time around.

Crystal: lapis lazuli


Libra ♎️  Sept 22 – Oct 22

If you could have all your dreams come true would you give up everything you own? You will be faced with this type of choice and the decision won’t be easy. You know how to sort out the pros and cons. Trust your instincts. Open a new bank account.

Crystal: opal
Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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