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GLWGRLS Agent Nateur Spotlight

Original article published in November 2019.

We love to highlight a brand and/or founder of a brand that we respect and look up to. These strong women (or men) have all changed our lives in some way and who better to kick this off with than Jena Covello, the founder of Agent Nateur. Agent Nateur has been a #GLW beauty brand favorite for a while now. If you have followed KG’s skincare and beauty routines, you will notice this brand gets mentioned often, and at least one, if not more products are in all of our regular routines. Reason being it’s natural, it’s no bullshit and it works. It also will give your skin an insane glow.

The founder of Agent Nateur, Jena Covello, is a badass. Period. She is extremely proactive about healing, sharing her journey through adenomyosis and endometriosis, the truth about the food and health industry and her incredible knowledge of skincare and ingredients. KG has tried every single Agent Nateur product and she swears by them.


We love following her Instagram, @agentnateur, because it is much more than a beauty account; there is a passion and dedication to educating each customer about one’s skin, beyond the glow. To us, she is the ultimate #GLW — her interview is below.

Q: How did you come up with the name Agent Nateur?

A: Prior to Agent, I was giving all of my friends and co-workers tips on how to heal. I’d pass supplements around. I called myself the Agent of Nature but wanted to put a French twist on it since France was a big inspiration and part of the DNA of the brand.

Q: What drove you to start your business?

A: My journey with endometriosis and adenomyosis. My dad had told me to stop using aluminum antiperspirant since 1996. I thought he was crazy back then. Aluminum is an endocrine disrupter and can mimic estrogen. Once I was diagnosed with adenomyosis in 2014, I was doing everything in my power to reduce estrogen dominance and eliminating antiperspirant was on my list. I couldn’t find a an effective, luxury natural deodorant so I created one. I formulated Agent over 100 different times before it was perfected.

Q: What has been the most satisfying part of your business?

A: Sharing all of the holistic information I’ve learned with my dear following who I love engaging with, working with an incredible team who is like my family, creating formulas in France, sourcing anti-aging ingredients and creating beautiful imagery. All of it! It’s been so rewarding. Just being myself and sharing my truth with others. Nothing feels more meaningful than knowing I’m creating effective, luxury products that are equally healthy for people.

Q:  What was the best and worst job you had before founding your own brand?

A: Waitressing and being a shoe designer was the best. I made a ton of money as a waitress and I got to travel the world as a shoe designer. Styling celebrities was the worst. That’s one job I’d never wish on anyone.

Q: You’ve always been outspoken on your social media about your health beliefs, has that impacted your business?

A: Yes, it gave me an authentic audience. It’s important for the customer to understand the DNA and beliefs of the brand and founder, even if it’s a bit controversial. My belief is that you have to be yourself. You can’t hide who you are to appease people. That also sounds so boring. I’d rather be passionate and honest than neutral and boring.

Q: What is your superpower and your spirit animal?

A: Ahh my superpower is my intuition. My spirit animal is probably my cat Farrah Joon. She is basically me but in cat form. She has the same attitude, she’s cuddly and sensitive but strong, she loves her supplements, good music and she loves luxury – haha. She’s also a moody Gemini just like her mom.

Q: We know you source a lot of your ingredients in Europe and develop most of your line there. What is the reason behind that?

A: Anti-aging ingredients are usually made in China or Europe. I like to use the absolute best quality that I can find that are pure and non-gmo. I can buy my hyaluronic acid for 10% of the price I pay for example. But I don’t do that.  I choose to use the best.

Q: Any upcoming launches you can share with us?

A: Quite a few! An oil cleanser, SPF and a face cream! Then there’s more to come…

Q: When developing new products how long does it take to go from concept to shelf?

A: Usually two years.

Q: In 5 years, where do you see yourself and the brand?

A: I see Agent as one of the biggest beauty brands in the world expanding into different categories and still privately owned by me. I see an online wellness platform that really expands itself, especially through my podcast that’s launching soon.

Q: Other than your own brand, what are some of your favorite beauty brands?

A: Organic Olivia, In Fiore, Ziip and Biologique Reserche

Q:  If you could only choose 1 product from your range which one would it be and why? (I know it’s hard!)

A: Holi Water

For all of these reasons and so many more, we are a FAN of Agent Nateur! Passion, authenticity, strength and NO BS, we love that.

Katherine Garbarino, AKA KGMTL, has been building her online presence for the past 3 years. An open book about almost everything, KG’s voice has become a household sound, with an incredible and dedicated fanbase; obsessed with her knowledge of health, wellness, fashion and fitness.

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