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Things we’ve loved and dropped. The GLW team lists a few of the favourites and what we’re ditching come the new year.

Gio’s Favourites of 2021 and What He’d Like to Leave Behind

1- A good skincare routine: 

I’ve always loved skincare but I really began to take it more seriously in 2021. I’ve changed it up a few times until I found a routine that has really worked for me! I had mild acne as a teenager so I have always been super careful with what I use on my skin. I do change products every few months or when I feel that I am not getting the same results as I was! So, here are the skincare products that are currently in my rotation that I can’t live without:

1- Youth the the People Superfood Cleanser 

2- Aesop Parsley Seed Toner

3- Aesop Parsley Seed Serum

4- LaNeige Sleep Mask

5- LaNeige Lip Mask

6- First Aid Beauty Moisturiser

2-  My family is growing! 
2021 brought a lot of changes in my family. I don’t want kids (lol – sorry not sorry) but my older sisters have blessed my family in ’21 with not one, not two, but THREE babies! I love being the fun uncle and my nephews and nieces are the light of my family right now! Love them so much. 
Leave behind: 
1- Being so hard on myself

I always strive for perfection and I have always been the epitome of a perfectionist in every aspect of my life. It is both a blessing and a curse. Nonetheless, I am slowly loosening up about it and realising that getting anxious and being so hard on myself when things do not go 100% as planned, or do not look exactly how I wanted them too, is not worth it! It’s a work in progress, but it is definitely something I want to leave behind in the new year. 

Emma’s Favourites of 2021 and What She’d Like to Leave Behind

Face Sheet Masks. I cannot get enough of these. I do one every other night and I love it. I just ordered myself some more of them.
Leave behind: 

Dumbass people. Ignorance isn’t bliss. It’s time for some education. Knowledge is power and all that. It’s important to be informed and to have the right information. Use viable sources for information. Any idiot with a computer and a wifi connection can write anything they want and post it online. Stop using Instagram graphics as your source for information.

Katherine’s Favourites of 2021 and What She’d Like to Leave Behind


Maca: Maca came into our lives when we weren’t looking for her but needed her most. She has brought so much happiness and love in our home, and she really has become the heartbeat of our home. She is also a great walking companion and social media addition ;). 

Meditation: I have always resisted meditation and just wrote it off saying, “It’s not for me” and “I can’t do it”. During a period of struggling with anxiety I felt it was something I had to try and really give a shot. I committed to 30 consecutive days. Nothing crazy, just 10 minutes a day, using the calm app. It has made such a difference for me, and I have noticed such a positive impact on my mindset and my daily life. 

Clean beauty: Okay so this has always kind of been my “thing” but I have never really been able to get almost everything I use to be clean and actually non-toxic. This year I really went the extra mile to make sure the things I use daily, skincare, makeup, perfumes and haircare are all non toxic. It is something very important to me and my way of life and I can say I am about 90% on the clean beauty front and that makes me happy! 

Leave behind: 

Any and all food “rules”: 2020 was a big year of “food rules” for me. I had adapted a lot of new eating habits in 2019 and 2020 and brought them into 2021 with me. Although these ways of eating are healthy I realized that constantly thinking about what and how and when I can eat certain things just isn’t working for me. I really have learnt in the last few months to eat.


What have been your favorites of 2021 and what would you like to leave behind? Leave a comment below!


Feature image via Pinterest

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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