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With the final days of 2021 upon us, we stopped to think about the past year. Here’s what the GLW team reflected on.

Gio’s thoughts:
Embrace change
It’s pretty clear that a lot has changed in the past year (or two) because of Covid. I’ve always struggled with change. I am a creature of habit and have always found myself at peace when things are stable and not changing. Clearly, with the current state of the world and the ongoing changes, I was really forced to learn to embrace change and accept that some things in life are just not meant to stay the same. I started living more in the moment and focused less on whether or not things were “changing”.
Not everyone is meant to stay in your life. 
This is a tough one to digest, but facts are facts. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life. Whether being a significant other, friend or even family sometimes, sometimes relationships end and that is okay. That does not mean that the memories and moments you spent together were not valid or important. It just means that they are not going to be a part of the next phase in your life. Embrace it.
Emma’s thoughts:
Saying No
I’ve gotten pretty comfortable (and confident) in saying no to things I don’t like or don’t want to do. There’s peace in saying no and not following up with a list of excuses or justifications. The person you’re saying no to should respect your boundaries.
Enjoying My Own Company
I absolutely loving hanging out with myself (and my dog, Fitz). Lately my date nights with myself consist of a skincare sheet mask (loving this brand lately), a glass of wine (or tea depending on my mood) and watching old tv shows (currently binging 3rd Rock From the Sun). This is something that’s so important. You should always put the relationship with yourself first. BTS said it best; Answer: Love Myself.
Katherine’s thoughts:

This year has taught me to always remain grateful and to constantly switch my mindset over to a place to gratitude. Even on the hardest days I have really pushed myself to find the silver lining and the things I am grateful for.  If I have been sick, I tell myself “I’m healing” and thank my body for working for me rather than telling myself “I’m sick”. I now more than ever have realized that we have very little control over many things in our lives and the realities, but we can control the environment and make it one that is peaceful and positive. I have been really focusing on gratitude and I find that by doing this it has now become my second nature and played such a positive role in my day-to-day life and my overall happiness. 

Another thing I have always known but really understood this year is the importance of managing stress on every level. I find myself focusing less on anything that doesn’t give me peace and may cause unnecessary stress. In the past I would say yes to things or focus on things that really didn’t serve me because I felt it was what I was supposed to do. This year I have understood the answer for what is best for me and my stress levels I already know. You can eat all the organic fruits, vegetables, and do all the workouts, but if you are not properly managing your stress you’re not truly healthy.


Feature image via Pinterest

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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