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Emma and Ana on the GLW team are both single (have a friend that would be perfect? Email us about it and help these ladies out! They’re both great catches!) We asked both of them how their love life is going during this quarantine time.

Quarantined and Dating?

Ana: There’s nothing more exciting than the thrill of meeting someone new. I’m currently single right now but I’m not letting this quarantine situation stop me. I’ve always loved dating apps, I think that they are a great way to meet new people that you wouldn’t normally meet and it gives you an excuse to talk to people. Right now, I am on Tinder and Bumble and I’ve been keeping myself occupied (which, let’s be honest, you kind of have to at this point) by continuing to speak to other guys on these dating apps.

Now before you call me “boy crazy”, let’s take a second to think about it. I have nothing but time right now. My days are filled with work, lots of cooking, daily TikTok videos and my nights are reserved for my Tinder and Bumble matches. Do I like the attention? Absolutely. Am I slightly bored? Probably. However, for now, this is a great way to pass time and I am actually enjoying the connections that I’ve been making.

Emma: I’m really not a fan of dating apps. Hear me out first. I’ve given them all a try. Literally, every single one I have download, swiped away, been discouraged and deleted it. Then the vicious cycle starts all over again (with a different app). I seem to have a rotation. I make my way through them all; Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Happn, The League. You name it, I’ve been on it (for a short amount of time). Every time, it’s the same order of events. Swipe, match, zero conversational skills. Or my favourite is the classic “DTF?”. Most of the time they don’t even bother to put the question mark, or even a simple “hello”. Thus leaving me with constant disappointment.

I have so many friends who have had success with dating apps and are still in wonderful relationships with the person they matched with. I want to believe that these apps will help but from my experience, I’ve just been let down.

Forgive me if I prefer to meet someone the old fashioned way, in person. Old fashioned, ha! I’m only 32! I just prefer that way of interacting. I understand it’s hard nowadays to meet someone and online dating offers convenience. We’re busy, always busy. Another thing would be my sense of humour is rather sarcastic, so definitely it’s more charming in person. Via text, messages and tones can be misconstrued. Perhaps that’s why I’m striking out online.

How to handle a new relationship or “fling” while in quarantine?

Ana: Dating during the quarantine doesn’t have to be tricky. We live in a world where FaceTime and House Party exist (thank god). Get creative and propose a video chat date with your new match. It’s a great way to get to know each other one on one and an even better way to see if you guys would be compatible in the real world.

I absolutely love FaceTime, in fact, I would much rather call you than text you. However, if you’re looking to take your “relationship” to the next level, you can take a walk or a hike with your significant other. Now, there are definitely some rules that you need to keep in mind. You can’t be going on walks with multiple different people, the whole point is to limit your interactions with others during the quarantine.

For me, I am only talking to one other person at the moment and I’ve been talking to him for the last month. We have both agreed to not see anyone else so that we can enjoy walks together (6 feet apart… yes, at this point, we basically need walkie talkies). Of course, there’s no real way for me to know if he’s actually following through with our “no seeing anyone else” rule but we are being careful. There is no physical contact and when we do walk which is about twice a week, we are both dressed properly. We are also walking in areas that are not overly populated, and when we do walk, there is no one around us.

As long as you’re being careful and honest, there is definitely a possibility for you to continue to date during quarantine. And if you prefer not to see anyone in real life then that’s ok too. Take advantage of your smart phone and start making connections!

Emma: Since I’m not having much luck on these apps, I’m taking this time to be happy and love myself. As RuPaul says; “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you going to love somebody else!”. Perhaps when this is all over and we’re back into crowded bars and events, then it’ll be my time for dating. For now I spend my days working, reading, taking walks and organizing my house. Doing all those chores I would complain about never having enough time to do.

As I’m writing this, a friend of mine tells me to try OkCupid.  So there I go, adding it to my rotation of apps. I much prefer being set up by friends but apparently my friends don’t know any single eligible men! So alas, here I am, back to my rotation of apps. Maybe this time will be different…

Emma started her journey after graduating from Fashion Marketing and then Public Relations. After working for a few fashion companies, Emma met Katherine in 2018 after collaborating with her. Emma is now the COO and manages the day-to-day operations and marketing communications of KGMTL and Girls Living Well. Emma is a handbag feen and avid reader.

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