We’ve all grown used to wearing a face mask, daily (sad, but true). That being said, we at GLW, are always on the lookout for top quality and amazing products we feel best represent what we stand for. Therefore, when we came across Evolvetogether, we knew we had to get them on the GLW Shop, ASAP!
Who is evolvetogether?
Evolvetogether makes quality, universally-designed daily essentials that are good for the world
and that people enjoy using. From light, gender neutral scents and accessible packaging to a luxe, minimal style, they keep things universal for a goes-with-everything (and everyone) vibe.
They think about sustainability pretty simply: make better choices every chance we get. From partnering with socially and environmentally responsible factories to making biodegradable, recyclable, or dissolvable products with post-consumer recycled materials to minimize landfill waste, they’re focused on finding meaningful ways to do good today — and do better tomorrow.
What stands out about evolvetogether is that they care about making sure they do what they say and last as long as possible — and use quality materials, third-party testing, and more.
We will be carrying two key products from evolvetogether on the GLW shop! Key essentials for the times we’re living in! PS: You’ve probably seen some of your fave celebs or influencers wearing their evolvetogether masks!
Everyday Mask

Product Details: Meet our disposable everyday mask that’s totally timeless and just a touch edgy.
- Inside the layers: 2 black non-woven water-resistant outer layers, 1 white meltblown filter, 1 white non-woven moisture-absorbing inner layer
- The extra outer layer ensures a completely matte black look — it has the same tested breathability and filtration as our other medical masks.
KN95 Masks

Product Details: an upgraded KN95 in navy that’s made for crowded indoor spaces, increased air pollution, and intense allergies. 6-ply technology, double filtration, odor-reducing activated charcoal, and a streamlined profile designed to keep you healthy (and looking good) whatever your plans.
- Inside the layers: 1 gray non-woven water-resistant outer layers, 2 white meltblown filters, 1 layer of activated charcoal, 2 white non-woven moisture-absorbing inner layers.
Stay protected and safe with evolvetogether!
Feature image via evolvetogether