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2021 was tough but taught us a lot. Many of the things we have learnt and opened our eyes to last year will change the way we do things in 2022. Here is what we think will be trending this year.


Happy Hormones: 

There has been a major shift in the health and wellness world from solely focusing on diet and exercise to focusing on your hormones and how they are responding to your environment. So many of us are now paying closer attention to how our bodies respond to the foods we eat, movement we do and the daily household products we are using. We have all learnt so much over the last few years about how our bodies respond to different stressors and are getting smarter. The focus is moving away from fad diets and restrictive patterns to intuitive behaviours and truly paying attention to the way our bodies feel. 

Sleep Priority: 

It’s no secret that getting proper rest and sleep is imperative to good overall health but there has been a big shift in how important it really is. More and more health experts and people in general are prioritizing their sleep and tracking how well they are sleeping. Leveling up with gadgets like the Oura ring (which tracks your sleep cycles) and focusing on good sleep hygiene to ensure a proper night’s rest. There was a time where “sleep was for the weak” that conversation shifted and the need to rest and restore in order to show up as your best self has never been more important. 

Medicinal Mushrooms: 

Adding medicinal mushrooms is nothing new in the health and wellness world but it seems as though it’s becoming a little more “mainstream”. With so many of us feeling exhausted by the constant stressful state of the world and so many concerned about brain fog post covid recovery. Medicinal mushrooms seem to be everywhere, and we are so happy to see it! There are many types of medicinal mushrooms and each one possesses different benefits, but one thing is for sure, all medicinal mushrooms boost immunity, brain function, skin health and stress levels. We are glad to see they’re becoming more commonly used! 


At home devices: 

Over the last 2 years we have all gotten really good at being home and becoming our own beauty gurus. Professional grade beauty devices have come a long way and are now very much accessible for home use. LED masks, radio frequency tools, microcurrent facial tools, body massagers etc.… are now much easier to access and more affordable. We predict less people will be running to the spa and more will invest in home devices to use in their off time. 

Refillable Packaging: 

In 2021 we started seeing refillable packaging and a importance being placed on being eco friendly. We suspect that more and more beauty brands will go in that direction. The initial purchase of products will be a little more costly but then refilling will be less costly for the consumer. With so many beauty brands on the market and being launched daily, these types of decisions made by beauty brands will make consumers pick their brand over one that isn’t as eco friendly. Yay for mother earth! 

Clean Beauty isn’t only for “hippies”: 

Clean beauty brands no longer come in boring, colorless packaging with very little marketing. The clean beauty industry has evolved so much over the last few years we can see the switch being made. Consumers are more aware of what’s in their products and with so many brands cleaning up their ingredients and making amazing, better for you products it’s an easy switch that anyone would feel great about doing! We love to see it. 



Low Rise (ugh) 

We are not fans of this trend, but we see it coming and can’t ignore it any longer. Low rise pants, jeans, sweatpants seem to be coming back. We think everyone should wear what makes them feel confident and comfortable but when so many designers and brands are showing the low rise style it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing everyone wearing it. For now, we are committed to the high rise life! 


Colorful Sunglasses & Accessories 

This is nothing new but we can help but notice that colorful accessories are really taking over and becoming the new “basics”. All the taste makers seem to be moving into the direction of bold, bright colors all year round. Maybe we all need a little excitement. We will always be a fan of the classics but love to see some fun, bright colors on our feeds. 


Platforms are in 

Platforms and sky-high heels are officially back! We saw them in 2021 but it seems every designer has dove into this trend. We aren’t sure about it but like low rise pants, I’m sure the more we see it, the more we will like it! 


Feature image via Pinterest

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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