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The term “work from home” otherwise known as WFH has become one of the hottest, most used phrases over the last year and for good reason, the majority of us are working from home. The first few months most of us assumed the whole WFH situation was temporary but now that we are almost one year in and have a routine going it’s looking like this has become our normal and will most likely stay this way. 

Working from home is convenient but let’s face it, we all feel better when we jazz it up a little and if you haven’t already, it’s time to step up your zoom meeting situations. Here are some things we at GLW do to feel great while working from home. 


A Touch of Makeup

If you are someone who is used to wearing daily makeup it can really boost your spirits and make you feel “normal” to put on a little something. We recommend watching Katherine’s latest Clean Makeup Routine. It’s quick, simple and leaves you feeling confident and ready for any last-minute zoom meetings or just for yourself!  

Swap Your Hoodies for a Knit

We know loungewear is where it’s at right now and there are so many great brands and items out there but it’s nice to pair your sweats or leggings with a nice cardigan or knit sweater. This is a great way to keep comfortable but look a little dressier. Let’s face it, putting on a dress shirt and blazer doesn’t make sense when everyone knows you’re sitting at home.  We have been loving the selection of knitwear on Dynamite and Zara. 


Set a Vibe with Some Scent Therapy

Essential oil diffusers and candles are an excellent way to boost your mood, energize or relax you depending what you are needing, and a good smelling area is always inviting and pleasant. We love the ritual of filling our diffusers, lighting up some candles, open a window for some fresh air and getting a vibe going. 

Add Some Pizazz with Fun Accessories

So you’re in loungewear or activewear and we are so here for that but adding a little hoop or a cute necklace goes a long way. We have been loving switching up our jewelry, adding some cute hair accessories to give a little personality and get creative with our lounge looks. We are loving the selection at LimLim Official. 

Use code: KGMTL10 for 10% off your order.

Step Up Your Zoom Game

Whether you have regular video meetings or maybe you’re interviewing for jobs, we are all using our laptops and video a lot more than usual. Invest in a laptop stand and even a little led light to attach to your computer so no matter where you choose to take your meeting you’re set up! We have attached the items we are using. 


Jeans or Pants Once a Week

Putting on your favorite pair of jeans or pants may seem daunting after living in sweats and leggings, but it makes you feel civilized and it keeps the snacking in check! We try to do 1 day a week in our jeans and it actually makes us feel more productive! 

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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Girls Living Well
