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Capricorn Season ushers in the new year with unexpected grace during such a tumultuous time. World class innovation, constant compromise and enduring flexibility will be required to disrupt the discomfort.

Capricorn ♑️ Dec 22 – Jan 21

Happy birthday Capricorn! All three of your wishes will come true. Make room for emotional fulfillment, financial security and high valued partnerships. If you prayed for a miracle, it’s about to come true. Joyous times abound. Smile

Crystal: indigo and bloodstone

Aquarius ♒️ Jan 22 – Feb 21

The worst of it is behind you. Shed some of the heavy armour and the trek will be much less arduous. Activate your sacral chakra by investing time and energy in hobbies. Breathe.

Crystal: citrine and amethyst

Pisces ♓️  Feb 22 – March 21

You’re holding a torch even though the flame has burned out. Loyalty to yourself   will lead the way to victory. Trust the tide of your emotions. Close your eyes. Dream

Crystal: onyx and yellow agate

Aries ♈️ March 22 – April 21

Go to sleep. Incorporate night time rituals that begin one to three hours before bed time. Restless heart is a restless mind. Invest in silk. Buy it.

Crystals: lapis lazuli and malachite

Taurus ♉️ April 22 – May 21

If you’re waiting for a knight in shining armour, he is on his way. Your intellect will be swept up in a whirlwind romance. Travel light to travel fast, but go in style. Risk it

Crystal: moonstone and selenite

Gemini ♊️ May 22 – June 21

Call upon your higher self to commune with the gods. They will share an ancient secret recipe. Family traditions hold everything together so lean on your faith in times of doubt. Honour it.

Crystal: jade and carnelian

Cancer ♋️ June 22 – July 22

Time to go! If you don’t leave now you will miss your flight. Things go one way or another. It’s a swift change in gears to get to the other side of the spectrum. Send postcards.

Crystals: blue aventurine and pyrite

Leo ♌️ July 23 – Aug 22

Tired of being a lone wolf pining away for the one? Call in your soulmate by using your authentic voice. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Bonus points if you make the first move. Do it.

Crystal: pearls and clear quartz

Virgo ♍️ Aug 23 – Sept 21

It’s time to begin. Whatever you have been waiting to start, get to it. Use the past for compost and create a beautiful garden. Be a violet in the snow. Believe it

Crystal: sapphire and snowflake obsidian

Libra ♎️  Sept 22 – Oct 22

You have forged your own destiny. The magic is within you. Create a time capsule of resources for the future. You are unstoppable. Manifest it.

Crystal: jasper and rainbow fluorite

Scorpio ♏️  Oct 23 – Nov 22

Innocent until proven guilty. The system is broken but you can make it work for you. Now is a time to collect information before you speak. Work with the moon. Trust it.

Crystal: smoky quartz and tigers eye

Sagittarius ♐️ Nov 23 – Dec 21

A choice you made has long term consequences. Don’t let regret hold you down. Rise up and do the work. No pity party for you. Release it.

Crystal: black tourmaline and kyanite

Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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