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Daily Routine: Ana Edition - GLW; Click to see Ana's daily routine on GLW! Routine chart for adults free printable. Routine chart for adults visual schedules. Routine chart for adults check lists. Morning routine quarantine. Healthy routine daily lifestyle. Daily routine for healthy lifestyle. Daily routine schedule for women at home. Morning routine before work schedule. Morning routine before work things to do. Routine chart for adults visual schedules. Daily routine schedule for women at home.

I’ve been working from home for the last two years, so when quarantine started, my routine didn’t change all that much. However, there were a couple of things here and there that I had to tweak because I wasn’t allowed out of the house. But now that things are slowly starting to go back to normal, I’m back on my regular routine:


7:15AM WAKE UP – My alarm goes off at this time, but I’d be lying if I said that I actually roll out of bed at this time. I usually spend about 45 minutes on my phone, choosing my morning playlist and browsing my social media before finally getting out of bed.

8AM LEMON WATER + SUPPLEMENTS – This is probably my favourite part of the day. I actually look forward to drinking my lemon water each morning because it’s kind of therapeutic for me. It’s 10 minutes of just me, myself and I time. 

8:15-9:30AM GYM – One of the ways that my routine has changed since quarantine is the fact that I can no longer go to the gym to workout. However, I can’t complain because my personal trainer is now offering outdoor sessions which means that I can still get my workout in AND work on my tan at the same time. 

9:30-10AM SHOWER – Is there anything better than a post-gym shower?

10-10:15AM GET READY – This is when I get ready for the day. Skincare + makeup!

10:15-11AM BREAKFAST – Another fave part of my day. I like to do fasted workouts so after my shower, I am usually STARVING so my first stop post shower is to the kitchen for some food. Usually, I have fruit in the early morning but I am not on a LOW FODMAP diet so my breakfast is 3 scrambled eggs, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, 1 tbsp mozzarella, and homemade breakfast potatoes. 

11:15AM-2:15PM WORK – This is my no distractions time. I always work with some music and try to get as much work done as possible before lunch time.

2:15-3:00PM LUNCH – Usually for lunch I’ll make myself a big salad, a veggie wrap, soup, avocado toast, or even leftovers (if I have any in the fridge). 

3:15-6:00PM WORK – After lunch, I go right back to work!

6:00-7:00PM DINNER – You can probably tell that I am usually pretty hungry by 6 PM. Sam (my roommate) and I usually make dinner together. We take turns making dinner but usually when I’m the one that’s cooking, we’ll have some sort of pasta, or protein with veggies and some sort of carb. I love a good steak!

7:00-8:00PM WALK – Sam and I LOVE to go for a walk after dinner. Call us old, we don’t exactly know why we’ve picked up walking as an activity but we are obsessed. We walk pretty much every day. We’re lucky that we live right on the canal so the walk is actually quite beautiful. Sometimes we’ll even bring a volleyball and just play around.

8:15-10:30PM NETFLIX – After the kitchen is cleaned, I like to sink on my couch and watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or some sort of trashy reality tv series before calling it a day. Sam enjoys reality tv so it just works! 

10:30-10:45PM SKINCARE ROUTINE – By 10:30PM I am pretty tired so I’ll take 15 minutes to wash my face and put on all of my skincare products before heading to bed.

10:45PM BEDTIME – I’m usually in bed by 11PM and knocked out by 11:05PM. 


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