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As you know, we love lemons here at GLW so much so that we even have our own pink lemon squeezer! These frozen lemon cups are the perfect treat for those warm summer days and nights. Try it out and let us know what you think! 

Lemon Cups

Course Dessert
Prep Time 20 minutes
Freezer 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 20 minutes
Servings 6 servings


  • 6 lemons with ends trimmed and pulp removed for cups
  • 1 can of coconut cream frozen in cubes (ensure it's rich and creamy, not coconut milk)
  • 5 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 2 lemons peeled, halved, and frozen
  • Zest from a single lemon


  • Begin by freezing the coconut cream in ice cube molds. Allow them to chill in the freezer.
  • Peel and halve two lemons, ensuring there are no large seeds. freeze them as well for several hours or overnight.
  • Prepare the lemon cups by slicing a small piece off the bottom of each of the six lemons. This will allow the lemons to stand upright without toppling over. Set the sliced segments aside.
  • Carefully remove the tops of the lemons, approximately 1/2 to 1 inch in thickness. Keep these tops aside. Using a spoon, extract all the flesh, including pulp and juice, from inside the lemons. Collect about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, making sure to do this over a bowl for easy cleanup.
  • Position the hollowed lemons upright and place the sliced bottom pieces inside each lemon to cover any openings at the base.
  • Put the lemons, along with the frozen coconut cream and halved frozen lemons, into the freezer. Allow them to freeze for several hours or overnight.
  • To create the sorbet, take out the frozen lemons and coconut cream cubes and let them thaw for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Place the thawed ingredients into a high-speed blender along with the lemon juice, maple syrup, and optionally, the lemon zest.
  • Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.
  • Once the mixture achieves a smooth consistency, remove the lemon cups from the freezer. Use a spoon or ice cream scooper to pour the sorbet mixture into each lemon cup. Garnish with lemon stops.
  • Any remaining sorbet can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer.
  • Return the filled lemon cups to the freezer and let them freeze for several hours or overnight before serving.
  • Allow the frozen lemon sorbets to thaw for at least 10 minutes before enjoying.
  • These delightful frozen treats can be stored in the freezer for up to 5 days.
  • Indulge and savor the goodness!
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