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Hello Girls and GUYS living well! I, Fabbiano Galuppo, am a registered manual osteopath. I completed a BSc in Kinesiology at McGill University and then went on to study Osteopathy at the National Academy of Osteopathy in Toronto. I have opened an osteopathic treatment clinic in the east end of Montreal; however, I offer a mobile/remote service every Tuesday of the week in the midtown/downtown area. 

My goal as an osteopath is the same everyday, but is achieved differently with every single human being that I meet. My goal is to treat the ailments that impede my patients from living in optimal, pain-free, and drug-free health through hands-on manipulation and massage. I am all for GIRLS LIVING WELL – NOT for a “Girls living in pain, popping Advil every 4 hours, walking hunched back, unable to attend pilates” situation. The patients I work with leave their treatments with stability, balance, and comfort in their bodies. Osteopathy can greatly benefit you physically and mentally if you have: 

  • Muscle pain/aches & joint pain;
  • Migraines & headaches;
  • Poor posture; 
  • Tendinitis/bursitis;
  • Osteoarthritis/osteoporosis & arthritis; 
  • Ankle & foot pain; 
  • “Slipped disc” pain; 
  • Sports/exercise injuries; 
  • Arm, hand, wrist, & shoulder pain;
  • Jaw/TMJ pain. 

At this time, many employees and students are working remotely and although many are lucky to have a home office, the majority are left choosing between sofas, beds, kitchen tables, or the floor rather than office chairs and desks. A more ergonomic setup, getting fresh air, walking or running up the stairs to activate muscle groups and finally, getting some osteopathic treatment can be great recommendations. Osteopathic manual therapy can improve circulation and blood flow, correct posture, increase joint mobility, decrease muscle spasms and tightness, decrease inflammation, and much more! 

It is safe to say that since the start of the pandemic, my clientele has picked up tremendously and although it’s been rough (for lack of a better word lol), it is so great that so many of my patients have taken this time to focus on their bodies, mentally and physically. As an osteopath, I am a strong believer in the idea that the body, as a unit, can heal itself if in proper alignment and care. The many tips, tricks, mottos, and anecdotes that Katherine shares are in perfect alignment (see what I did there ;)) with my practice. 

Osteopathic treatments can positively impact the nervous system, circulatory, and lymphatic systems to improve overall body function and health. I treat many patients with stress-related ailments lately (I wonder why…) namely, TMJ disorders, jaw pain, headaches/migraines, tight shoulders and upper back due to desk work – the list is infinite. All in all, the best part of osteopathy is that everyone benefits from it – young and old, active and sedentary. 

At the end of the day, I truly believe that if you are healthy, beautiful, and in optimal body alignment on the inside, you will definitely GLW on the outside! 

Please feel free to contact me for any questions, comments, or concerns. You can also make an appointment with me via phone, email, or online through my website.


4600 Boulevard des Grandes-Prairies
Saint-Leonard,  QC
H1R 1A1

Phone: (514) 516-4088

Email: fabbiano.galuppo@mail.mcgill.ca

Instagram & Facebook: @FabbianoOsteopathie

Book online at:  fabbianoosteopathie.clinicsense.com/book


Feature image via Pinterest

GLW Contributors - Professionals in their field. Contributing to Girls Living Well their knowledge, experience and advice.

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