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How did you come up with the name nixit?

nixit is named after the vaginal fornix – the area of the vagina past the canal, around the base of the cervix – which is where our menstrual cup sits (whereas tampons and traditional cups since in the canal). It also speaks to our aim to nix all the nasties that come with traditional period care, making for a great tagline: nix worry, nix plastic, nix strings, nix leaks, nix stigmas. nixit. Period.

What drove you to start nixit? What is the inspiration behind the brand?

Before launching nixit, I was living abroad in the Caribbean with my family. The amount of plastic and garbage that would wash up on shore every morning was heartbreaking. Unfortunately, our island did not have a recycling program, meaning everyone’s waste ended up in a big heap for everyone to see and smell. It’s what drove me to becoming extra mindful about my household waste. 

I was given a pack of pads when I started my period, and started using tampons shortly after, never questioning if there was a better solution until my 30s! I began investigating my period products and their impact on the environment, learning that there’s the equivalent of four plastic bags in a pack of pads and that all the tampons I used had non-biodegradable plastic in them. Tampons take around 500 years to degrade, and tampon users go through 11,000 in their lifetime – that waste builds up. 

I knew menstrual cups existed, but I had never used one. When I shopped around for a cup, I understood that they were a better product, but the complicated shapes and sizes prevented me from choosing one. 

I wanted to design something new that was simple and comfortable to use – and that took the guesswork out of choosing a size. I wanted to enable more people to make the switch from single-use products, and simplifying the process was key. nixit truly does simplify periods – a cup with a diaphragm-inspired design that is one-size, made from medical-grade silicone, and so soft and supple that most of our users don’t even feel it when they are using it.

This is how nixit came to life!

What has been the most satisfying part of your business?

It’s difficult to choose the most satisfying. Since nixit’s inception, we’ve grown our product line to include multi-purpose essentials like our wash, wipes, and lube, and we’ve grown our team – all of which makes me incredibly proud.

But on a day-to-day basis, I find immense satisfaction knowing that we’re impacting our customers positively and helping them live their lives worry-free. Reading our customer reviews, whether it’s about how they switched from pads and tampons, how nixit helped them get in touch with their body, or how they wish they had started using a menstrual cup from puberty, never gets old. We’ve set out to make the menstrual cup mainstream, and we’re inching our way there more and more every day. 


What was the best and worst job you had before founding your own brand?

My best job was as a newly qualified solicitor in the hedge fund department of my law firm. I loved the work and found it really interesting, but most of all, I really enjoyed working with the team – everyone was so collaborative, friendly and smart – it made learning and working such fun and I loved going to work. 

My worst job was waitressing in Sicily – my pay barely covered my rent, and I just got paid a daily fee, even though I’d often end up working until the early hours (nearly double the hours I was meant to).It was hard work for little reward – Europeans were not big on tipping back then! I have remembered very little Italian, but the plus side is I’m pretty sure I could take an order in Italian with no problems any day! 

What is your superpower and your spirit animal?

I am someone who can stay very calm under pressure. This was a real benefit when working in my law firm, and in an investment bank, and it’s served me well at nixit too. 

I have no idea what my spirit animal is although an online quiz I have just done tells me I am a lion! This seems fairly accurate, although I might downgrade myself to a lion cub – slightly less aggressive and more playful!

Any upcoming launches you can share with us?

Nothing we can share just yet. But I can confirm we are working on a few new projects! I highly recommend following us on socials @letsnixit and subscribing to our newsletter if you don’t want to miss out. 

When developing new products how long does it take to go from concept to shelf?

That’s a great question. It really depends on the product. We have a product at the moment that we have been working on for over 2 years. I think we are on version 14 now! It’s still not good enough, so we are going back to the drawing board. If you want to create quality products that really make a difference for people, I think you have to be willing to accept that sometimes it just takes as long as it takes!

What is a common misconception about the nixit?

Some people still believe that using a menstrual cup is gross, messy, and dirty. We’re on a mission to destigmatize menstruation and everything that comes along with it. Using a menstrual cup inherently encourages anatomical exploration, and yes, sometimes users get blood on their fingers, but it is natural and normal.

Another misconception is that the nixit menstrual cup cannot be worn with an IUD. Traditional menstrual cups that use suction to stay in place can be known to dislodge IUD strings if the seal is not broken carefully. nixit does not use suction, rather, it stays in place by being tucked securely behind the pubic bone – making it a safe option for IUD users. We always encourage speaking with health care providers first though.

In 5 years, where do you see yourself and the brand?

In March 2023, we announced that we had diverted over 5 million pounds of period product waste from landfills around the world (just think about all the single-use tampons, pads, applicators, wrappers, and liners nixit users didn’t need to use!) in just 4 years on the market. In the next 5 years, hopefully we will double that!

Other than your own brand, what are some of your favourite women’s wellness brands (products)?

I’m a big fan of Sunday Riley’s A+ Retinoid Serum, combined with The Inkey List’s Peptide Moisturizer – it’s a winning combo for my skin! 

I also love Crave’s Vesper vibrator necklace – I connected with Ti (the founder) when nixit was just launching. From the beginning, she was so helpful and kind to me as an emerging brand. I love the brand and the idea of wearing vibrators as beautiful jewelry – I always get compliments when I wear my Vesper!

SHOP nixit here!

Rachael Newton is an entrepreneur, innovator, and the founder of period care brand, nixit. Rachael began her career as a lawyer and worked for an investment bank for nine years before switching gears. On a mission to destigmatize menstruation in both public and private spaces, she is evolving the conversation around periods. She launched the brand in 2019 with a revolutionary, suction-free menstrual cup and uses nixit’s platform as an educational tool for all things menstrual health. 


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