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Throughout my life, my weight has always fluctuated. I have lost a lot of weight (45lbs) , gained lots of weight and in the last 6-7 years found a healthy balance and have learnt how to properly maintain a healthy weight and keep off that 40+ lbs for good. I have tried it all, cookie diet, cabbage soup diet, no carbs, lots of carbs, you name it I’ve done it. As most of you know I no longer live on a diet, I truly believe that if you eat real food and through trial and error understand what works for your body maintaining a healthy weight is not only possible but natural and enjoyable. This article isn’t about the way I eat or what I eat because I think I have covered that in depth and will obviously always share those things. This article is about my top “tips” for weight loss. The tips that have given me success and that I continuously stick to in order to maintain my healthy and happy weight. 

This part is for #GLWGANG members only. If you have purchased a membership, please log in to continue reading. If not, we’d love to welcome you into our collective! Get your #GLWGANG membership here. xoxo
Katherine Garbarino, AKA KGMTL, has been building her online presence for the past 3 years. An open book about almost everything, KG’s voice has become a household sound, with an incredible and dedicated fanbase; obsessed with her knowledge of health, wellness, fashion and fitness.

Comments (2)

  1. Love these tips! Especially the one about us knowing what the best choice to make is. Most people get so caught up in the super-specifics about nutrition and think some tiny detail will make the big difference when in reality, it’s choose the apple over the cookie! So simple.

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