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You may have noticed that I am an early riser, and although waking up early comes somewhat naturally to me there was training involved in order for me to get used to such early hours. I have never been one to really “sleep in”, in my teens and twenties I rarely slept until 11am or later like so many of my friends but I definitely wasn’t accustomed to waking up at 6am. Over the years I have made waking up early a priority and it has changed my life for the better in so many ways. It’s hard to describe the feeling of being awake before everyone else and how much you can get done when the world around you is quiet. It sets the most amazing tone for the rest of the day and I can’t express enough how much it has impacted me as a person and made me more productive, successful and happy. 

This part is for #GLWGANG members only. If you have purchased a membership, please log in to continue reading. If not, we’d love to welcome you into our collective! Get your #GLWGANG membership here. xoxo


Feature image via: Pinterest

Katherine Garbarino, AKA KGMTL, has been building her online presence for the past 3 years. An open book about almost everything, KG’s voice has become a household sound, with an incredible and dedicated fanbase; obsessed with her knowledge of health, wellness, fashion and fitness.

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Girls Living Well
