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Let’s talk about period cramps. Some women are fortunate enough to not really get them while many others struggle the first few days of their cycle. There is really nothing worse than being uncomfortable, bloated and to top it off in pain. Of course, none of us want to feel discomfort so we reach for over the counter medications to ease our pain but this isn’t exactly a good option. Taking pain meds here and there are acceptable but to rely on them month after month isn’t conducive to maintaining good health. These medications really wreak havoc on our guts, and lead to digestive issues, skin issues and should be taken sparingly and really for emergencies. 

There are a few awesome natural remedies that we have relied on over the years that actually work. Like most natural aids they can take time to “kick in” so it’s important to plan ahead and start some of these before your cycle for prevention. Eating a healthy diet and adding more fruits and vegetables really help so if you are eating a lot of processed foods it would be great to reduce that. 


Maca is a powerful adaptogen that really helps balance hormones, boost fertility and increase energy. Maca really helps alleviate PMS symptoms and cramps, like for real! There are months you won’t even know you have your period, this stuff works! We suggest incorporating it into your day to day, adding a tsp into smoothies, coffees, baked goods etc.. you can also take this in capsule form. If you prefer not to make this part of your daily routine you can begin taking this 1 week before your period and during your cycle and it should help. 


Turmeric is an amazing anti-inflammatory herb; it comes in so many forms. Powder, capsules, the actual root which can be made into shots, teas, food etc… Adding turmeric to your daily diet or simply consuming capsules 1 week before your cycle and during your cycle seriously helps reduce inflammation and since the reason we get cramps is from the inflammation of your uterus it seriously works! We use this regularly and it’s incredible. You can see more of the amazing benefits of turmeric; Food Facts: Turmeric.

Cinnamon & Clove Essential Oil

Essential oils are so powerful, healing and helpful for all ailments. Cinnamon and clove are incredible at reducing inflammation when applied topically onto the lower abdomen. Use a carrier oil like coconut oil or sweet almond oil drop some essential oils in and rub it onto your lower belly for some relief. 

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf take or capsules are excellent for overall women’s reproductive health and can really help for cramps. Red raspberry leaves contain fragarine, a plant compound that helps tone and tighten muscles in the pelvic area, which may reduce the menstrual cramping caused by the spasms of these muscles. 


The last thing anyone wants to do when dealing with cramps is exercise but getting your blood flowing is so key at reducing your discomfort. Do some stretching, go for a walk, even spinning really helps! You would be surprised at how much better you will feel after some movement. 

These are the natural aids we go to for relief, of course, a hot compress always helps but these remedies are not only beneficial for cramps and PMS but have other health benefits as well! 

Maca Capsules
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Turmeric Capsules
Maca Capsules
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Turmeric Capsules
Maca Capsules
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Turmeric Capsules
Girls Living Well is the advice from a friend that you need to hear. An online sanctuary of information from recipes and health to beauty and fashion, to be your most trusted advisor. Unapologetically living our most authentic lives. We test it out first, then give you the facts.

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