Purchase or Pass: August 2022 Reviews
I buy, receive and try a lot of different things in the course of a month. Probably more than most people you know and definitely more than is necessary. However,…
I buy, receive and try a lot of different things in the course of a month. Probably more than most people you know and definitely more than is necessary. However,…
I’m so glad Summer is over because it is the worst season for style. We’re either melting into a puddle half the time or freezing from the air conditioning. If…
And it’s coming back! Let’s get ready for the next #KGChallenge of 2022. With everything going on in the world, we thought it was a good time to get those…
This is the perfect winter salad. This kale salad is the perfect compliment to any main dish or even best served on its own.
Lemon water and salt has been the foundation of my morning routine for many years now, as I’m sure most of you reading this already know. Every morning upon rising,…
It’s been zucchini season for a little while now, making it the perfect time to make these insanely good, flourless treats. I used to make these all the time for…
Cycle Tracking & BBT Cycle tracking consists of observing and measuring different hormonal biomarkers such as changing cervical fluid, tracking your body’s lowest resting temperature first thing in the morning…
Many women are starting to wake up to the fact that birth control is not without side effects, but hormonal contraceptives are not all bad. Birth control has given women…
Minerals are essential nutrients for our bodies, they are as vital as our need for oxygen to stay alive. Only 5% of the human body is made up of mineral…
Let’s talk about period cramps. Some women are fortunate enough to not really get them while many others struggle the first few days of their cycle. There is really nothing…