Tampon Talk… Why Organic Matters
Periods happen. They will come and come again, and this is just part of a woman’s life. Us women use countless tampons and pads throughout our lives during our periods,…
Periods happen. They will come and come again, and this is just part of a woman’s life. Us women use countless tampons and pads throughout our lives during our periods,…
Keeping your skin hydrated is something every #GlwGrl should prioritize. If you live in a winter climate (like in Montreal where our HQ is), then you know how important it…
Ok! So I know I am not a doctor or a medical professional but as you guys know I love to research natural ways to remedy pretty much anything that…
Below is my version of a Shepard’s Pie that follows the rules of food combining. I modified my Sweet Potato Shepard’s Pie recipe and made this one cauliflower mash and…
PSA! I am a BIG fan of double cleansing – it has truly been one of the things that has kept my skin clear and radiant over the years. This…
Although it may seem obvious to most it’s important that I reiterate the importance of cleansing your skin. In my opinion it is the most important step in any skincare routine and should be done morning and night. It’s the first step and therefore if you skip it, or don’t actually cleanse properly you are setting off the next steps. If your skin isn’t properly cleansed, your serums will not penetrate as deeply or effectively. In the morning I cleanse with a wash off cleanser and at night I oil or balm cleanse first, and then wash with my regular wash off cleanser. There are different cleansers for different skin types and skin concerns, most of which I have dealt with, so I have made a list of my must haves below.
I think we can all agree that fries just seem to go with everything. With the winter coming up, I love to cook hot side dishes and these fries are a crowd pleaser. I make mine with sweet potatoes or russet potatoes depending on what I’m in the mood for. The below recipe serves 2 and works for either type of potato.
Kris loves a good jam spread and it’s not always easy to find packaged jams without tons of added sugars and preservatives. When I do find better options to purchase, the taste and texture is generally not the best, so I decided to make my own! The magic ingredient here are CHIA SEEDS. Chia seeds thicken the jam, perfectly giving the jam that “jam” texture. I sweetened mine, but you can also not sweeten yours at all since the fruits generally are pretty sweet on their own… Especially strawberries.
For the past 6 months I have been hooked on this or a variation of this smoothie for my daily breakfast. Every day until noon, I eat fruit, more specifically orange and yellow fruits (minus citrus and lemon) all blended together. Since doing this I have noticed a crazy change in my energy levels and digestion.