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The Corona virus/ COVID-19 situation is REAL and not going anywhere for the time being. Unfortunately, I believe it will get worse before it gets better. Even if you are not within the age or health demographic of someone who could be seriously affected if infected, you probably know someone close to you who could be affected and we all need to do our part to help stop this from spreading as well as protect ourselves by building up our immune systems. 

 I am obviously not a doctor or a healthcare professional so the tips I am giving are really what I am doing to protect myself and those around me. I am also not someone who is going to go into major panic mode because I think that causes more harm than good and at the end of the day we don’t have that much control in this situation. Take the precautions that you are seeing given by WHO (World Health Organization) and refrain from reading every article that comes your way. 

Before I give my immune boosting tips it is important to remember a few things. Managing stress levels is key as stress and cortisol (the stress hormone) negatively impacts your immune system so do what you need to do to keep as calm as possible. For me, going for walks, watching Netflix, cooking and reading really help. Stay in as much as possible to help contain the virus. This doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in or eat foods from your favourite restaurants. You can find amazing workouts online to do at home (I am loving Melissa Wood Health and Vbod Life) and as mentioned going for walks are great! Order some food from your favourite restaurants and run in to pick them up if they don’t deliver. It’s important to support your local businesses as this will be a tough time for everyone financially. 

In terms of disinfectants and keeping things sanitary here is what I am doing and what I suggest. 


This isn’t rocket science, wash your hands each time you enter your home or have a moment to, keep your hands clean. I am using disinfectant spray from Jao, Dr Bronner’s and Graydon when out in public. If I leave the grocery store or pharmacy, the minuteI get into my car I spray my hands or use a disinfectant and let it dry before doing anything. Upon returning home or to a destination with a restroom, I wash my hands… for 20 seconds. Sing happy birthday 2 times, rinse, dry and go! 

Hand sanitizers are hard to come by because everyone has stocked up so a great suggestion would be to make your own! Aloe vera gel is a great base mixed with rubbing alcohol and adding in 20-30 drops essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, cinnamon and lemon work wonderfully. Maybe even better than the chemical alternatives that deplete your body’s good bacteria. I am not saying not to disinfect yourselves, your personal items with generic disinfectants like Lysol, Clorox etc… I’m just saying that although they are effective at killing germs they also are major gut killers and effect the good bacteria that basically defend us from the bad bacteria. So don’t go crazy and use more natural alternatives if possible. 

Alright, now that that’s out of the way, here are some of the immune boosting supplements, elixirs and things you can do to boost your system and hopefully stay healthy, not infect others and continue feeling awesome! 


It’s important that I mention again that I am not a healthcare practitioner, these are supplements I am comfortable taking but everyone should do their own research based on their own health history and concerns. All will be linked below, I will try and find ones that still have stock available but check your local health food stores, pharmacies and do your research online! I will also link articles on the items I have articles on, otherwise for the time being do your research to know more. I like using Dr Josh Axe’s website as a resource! 


If we learn anything from this situation it should be that proper nutrition and eating real, whole foods should be an all the time thing. So many of us take our health for granted and then when faced with a crisis wish we had done better before. As soon as that crisis is over, we fall back into bad patterns. Maintaining good health should be a priority at all times, but if it isn’t use this situation to remind you how precious being in good health really is and do not take it for granted.  It is important to understand that right now is NOT the time to be eating refined sugars, processed foods, hydrogenated oils and I would even recommend limiting gluten as it is a major gut killer! 


  • Bone broth- there is nothing more healing than bone broth, it is filled with essential amino acids, all kinds of vitamins and minerals and it is incredible for gut health and immune function. There are tons of recipes online and it is cheap and easy to make. 
  • Ginger and Turmeric root- add to recipes, into soups, teas… click here for my Ginger Turmeric Water Recipe 
  • Garlic- is incredible at killing bacteria and boosting the immune system so add extra into your dressings, soups etc… 
  • Warming spices like cinnamon, anise, turmeric, fennel, thyme, cayenne pepper 
  • Fruit and Vegetables- living foods that are filled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids! 
  • Legumes – beans & lentils  
  • Fermented foods- kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir 
  • Lemons & Limes- excellent for immune function 
  • Water- stay hydrated and drink 2L of water a day! You do not need to drink a gallon of water a day that will just stress your organs and make you pee uncontrollably
  • Raw honey

I could continue on and on but these are really the best things I can think of! You absolutely do not need to take all of these; they are merely my full list of suggestions for you to go and do your own research on! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay calm and if you’re bored feel free to browse through our incredible platform and check out all the awesome information we have here on girls living well! We love you xo 


Actumus Immun-Ton
Actumus Immun-Ton
Black Seed Oil Capsules
Black Seed Oil Capsules
Zinc Capsules
Zinc Capsules
Liposomal Vitamin C
Liposomal Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3
Fire Cider
Fire Cider
Apple Cider Vinegar Spicy
Apple Cider Vinegar Spicy
Oil of Oregano
Oil of Oregano
Reishi Capsules
Reishi Capsules
Colloidal Silver Nose Spray
Colloidal Silver Nose Spray
Colloidial Silver
Colloidial Silver
Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil
Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry Syrup
Nova Probiotics
Nova Probiotics
DoTerra Oil of Oregano Roller
DoTerra Oil of Oregano Roller
Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey
Goli Gummies
Goli Gummies
Katherine Garbarino, AKA KGMTL, has been building her online presence for the past 3 years. An open book about almost everything, KG’s voice has become a household sound, with an incredible and dedicated fanbase; obsessed with her knowledge of health, wellness, fashion and fitness.

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Girls Living Well
